Follow up
Ahd Mohammad Aljarf
Khadijah Adel Al-bar
Tahani Mohammed Al-barakati
Meaad Mohammed Al-nemari
Omnyah Abdulrazaq Al-hazmi
Tahani Abdallah Al-zahami
Project Type
Software Based Project
Project Categories
Software Engineering
Project Abstract
Because education is one of the pillars of building societies by the extent of its care and development, society makes a strong building for itself to improve the teaching and learning process. Education has invested this progress in a parallel manner in its means, where these technologies have emerged within the classroom and between the corridors of the school. Given the importance of the educational field, the current application which named " Follow Up System " is designed especially for the primary schools. In addition the "Follow Up" facilitate the communication between parents and the school to help their children in improving their academic and behavioral level. The application aims to avoid complexity in existing applications, characterized the easy learning by using . parents also book an appointment with the child's teacher and send complaints and suggestions to the school . The application interfaces are developed using cross-platform, and supporting Arabic , to serve a lot of the platforms like ( IOS, Android, windows ), which make the application accessible for targeted users : students , parents , teachers . Key