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Dyslexic Learning Techniques Game


Elham Mahjoob Hassanain


Renad Hani Mandurah
Hanouf Abdulrahman Aloufi
Rawan Khalid Alhazmi
Salwa Ali Alqarni
Nada Setr Almajnoni

Project Type

Software Based Project

Dyslexic Learning Techniques Game

Project Categories 

Computer Vision and Graphics

Project Abstract

Most children nowadays, spend large portion of their time on mobile devices. Although, children use different applications on the mobile a majority of time is spent on playing games. Games are used in entertainment and brain stimulation, there are also very supportive in education and can be used in supporting the learning disabilities. Dyslexia is one of the most common learning disabilities that causes a problem in reading and writing affecting nearly 15% of the people globally. Dyslexia comes with very high-level thinking capabilities and leadership qualities and hence, many scientists and famous people such as Einstein, Galileo and Graham Bell. Studies shows that dyslexics have a different way of learning and the capabilities increase. Many games on the market teach dyslexic children reading and writing or for entertainment such as chess for dyslexics. However, there is no game which teaches and allows them to acknowledge the most suitable learning methodologies which unlock dyslexia power. The methodologies are developed in the form of supporting tools/Learning aids appearing in the game with characteristics based on the skill needed for every stage. At the end for every stage the result will be calculated based on time and accuracy and displayed with the most appropriate supporting tool using to succeed at the different levels. The novelty of our idea is to create a game which helps dyslexic children to learn how to learn and use the best learning support tools to unlock their learning potential.

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